24 December 2014

Roundup Of 2014 !

Here's a quick round up of 2014, a superb year we've had for birding in our area and around the UK.

Firstly a big thank-you to both our frequent and first-time readers (who stumble across our site by accident!) your steady views, shares and comments, makes it worth while.

Our blog was started in April 2012 because of our resident Little Owls, to keep track of them, but 225 blog posts later and over 15,000 views, here we are!

We have had a total of 71 total species recorded (In our local 5 miles patch) and 34 new/rare birds between us during 2014, nationally - Not bad if we don't say so ourselves!

We will leave you with our 5 favourite birds from our patch in 2014:

KINGFISHER - Closest + probably the only time we've seen him

HOBBY - Came speeding straight across the field in pursuit 

 PEREGRINE FALCON - Seen him a few times now, this is the most recent sighting around 1000 yards from our house.

 LITTLE OWL (Of Course!) - The reason we started the blog and weekly walks out to see him, although seems a bit scarce this year.

WHEATEAR - An unusual and surprising sighting for our patch!

If your don't already please follow us on our social media's:

Twitter:       NSL-Birding
                    Flickr - Wayne Tucker
Google+:    NSL-Birding - Google+

Thanks Again + Here's To 2015 !!

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